Note: This is an old post I found..I wanted to share it...
I’m getting to the point of loving to get up early on weekends and hiking with my wife (the first time we did here). We talk. We have fun. We build our marriage. Don’t get me wrong, even on this particular hike we had a tiny 2 minute riff between us, but nature’s beauty squashed all that-quick!
We now have five blogs between us. These walks and talks give us the content we need. It took a little time for my wife to see the beauty of blogging and now she blogs heavy. As a matter of fact, you can check out here. She’s just as “ballsy” (as my Father called me once) as me with hers. I love it. Check it out.
Being in tune with nature is a wonderful thing. It’s empowerment. That’s what I believe. Getting up and getting out is great! I was once a stone cold pothead. It’s been a couple months, I've been without and I’m getting a lot accomplished. I’m seeing the world with new eyes. New and improved eyes at that! If you are where I used to be, my advice would be for you to be where I am now!
I read a blog where a woman puts up all of her “bucketlist” adventures. She’s done a lot. Her latest adventure is her newborn baby daughter. Prior to that, though, she’s done skydiving, flown a plane, Bungee jumping, zip lining, etc, etc. She’s also traveled all over the world doing these things. I figure why not? The good thing, as my Mom pointed out years ago, is I have someone who not only supports these things...she encourages these things. We do A LOT!
This weekend alone:
· Friday – A comedy show at American Comedy Company. A show at the Comedy Palace.
· Saturday – Hiking in the morning. Popping into an art Gallery. Eating at a health food cafĂ©. A rap show starring FrenchMontana.
Now…what are you doing with YOUR life?
Good work Demus. Been a long time since I peeped some of ur for the soul bro! All I can say is yes, I need to be where you are...holla at me sometime soon bro, please!!!!