Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Emperor Tweets or Twitter Is Great Thing in The World

December 4:

**image taken from Google Images

Hey Hey!!

 Ya know…Twitter is one of the GREATEST platforms for me when it comes to getting the word out!
I have two Twitter accounts:
  1. @InkyMann
  2.   @UndaDogHipHop

The first account,  to get the word out on a personal level and the other to get my Hip Hop blog word out. The beauty of it all is that you can grab content, potential readers, interviews, almost anything you want from this platform!

I learned this from a guy I knew who himself was publishing a Hip Hop online magazine. His magazine put a spotlight on Hip Hop, pit bulls and models. What blew me away was he had potential models hitting his Twitter page hard for an opportunity to be in the magazine!

Tons of them!

Since I've done that for the UndaDog Hip Hop site, I get all sorts of MCs, Producers and Hip Hop fans tweeting me. From all over the world! Some just saying hello, some showing me music. I posted a Tweet to get music videos for an internet channel I was developing and, even though it took a little bit, I get videos, now.

Tons of them!

I use Twitter HEAVY when it comes to promoting ANY of my products. I get an average of 5 new followers a day between the two accounts.

I once landed an interview with DMC , of the group Run DMC, for my Hip Hop blog!!

I'd avise it for anyone attempting to build a brand or just get the word out.

As a matter of fact, using the hashtags are what really get the eyeballs.There's always someone looking for WHATEVER your hashtag is !! Try it and see.

There are 3 tools that you can use with Twitter to get some effective exposure.They are:

  1. Buffer
  2. TweetDeck
I use Buffer on Sundays to schedule posts for the week.I have a free account so I can usually only get (9) posts in.I have the app on my phone so I can add stuff on the go.I can even "rebuffer", or replay the posts that I want.I use the analytics, that they provide,  to gauge what works or not. 

I use TweetDeck for the same, but I REALLY use it to get up to the minute information. This is helpful for Undadog Hip Hop. I'm friends with underground and mainstream artists and they LOVE engaging with their followers! I'll share info, music,videos, Instagram photos, anything that my audience will like. I figure people that are following me on this medium don't always have access to what I have access to, so I share. I also use this as an opportunity to let the original"sharer" know that I'm doing this. they do the same for me.It helps us build our brands simultaneously!

Note: I don't work for either of these companies, so I'm not getting paid to refer them.I just want you to know what tools I use to help with the Empire building.

They may not be what you want.You might know of better tools.Either way, email me and let me know.

Follow me on Twitter @inkymann or @UndaDogHipHop...

Inqronicles: The Facebook Page 

Today, I set the page up, so I can take advantage of "likes" and just the FB platform as a whole. With Facebook, I can take advantage of Facebook ads aimed at a variety of demographics.This will require some A/B testing.

I'm excited about that!

I'll also have to factor in consistent advertising as John Chow said here. Make it a BIG part of my business budget.

I , like you, have once thought that once I put it online, everyone will see it.Well, they won't if they don't know it exists.


Speaking of which, I'm doing some crowdfunding for the Inkland Empire.We're selling tee shirts. Many more to come.Go here and support TODAY!

See ya next week..

Make sure you stop by here.Get in on the action!

Follow me : Facebook , Twitter

Subscribe: YouTube

P.S. Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa...what ever you are celebrating.Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

Inky Mann
Emperor, Inkland Empire

PS Merry Xmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa...what ever you are celebrating.

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