Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brick011310: We're All Hoes - Sometime

"Used to be a worker bee, now, a nigga a boss" - 50 Cent

Well, it was a good run.Unemployment is up in the air and bills are due!This will , of course, effect the blog(won't stop it, though).How? I MUST GO BACK TO THE 9 TO 5 RAT RACE -SOON!!!Not that I wasn't looking for work all this time..I just didn't find what I'd like.even though times are tough, why find a job just to have one and then be stuck?Right? I was hoping to either get an effective job or get my entrepeneurial things on.No dice.Back to worker bee.
When I have a 9 to 5, I'm a team-player-hard-working brother! I work as if I'm really gonna get rich working for someone else.If you put some thought into that last sentence, you know that's some BULLSHIT!I'm a follower of Robert Kiyosagi...Think about this...You work 9 to 5 making, say $20/hr.Eight hours at $20/hr equals $160 made for the day.I always estimate taxes, FICA, Social Security, Medicare and any other ways to get financially raped, to be about 20%.That would be $32 deducted from the $160 leaving you with $128.
Now, let's compare that with someone selling say bootleg jeans at $10/pair.Granted this doesn't always happen, but, if this person sold (13) pairs, working the (8) hours one does for someone else,they made $130.In the right setting (flea market, back alley, someone's apartment), they'd make this in less than 8 hours with time to make more money or stop and "chillax"(chill/relax combo).Being a business owner puts you in more control when it comes to paying taxes.If nothing else, you're not being taxed right then and there.Ya dig?

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