Monday, July 9, 2012

Brick07082012: I AM NOT A MAN

I learned I'm NOT a man today.

I learned a lot today! How am I NOT a man, you ask? Well:

  1. I don't clean up around the house
  2. I don't make enough money to completely provide for my family. (I mean, I only pay MY part of the bills)
  3. My daughter emulates my BAD habits
  4. My bad habits are, mainly, based around #1
  5. I don't listen to my wife
  6. My hobby of starting a business is NOT making money now, which puts me back at #2
See, when I do the video version of this blog, my main topics are based around being a MAN. I talk of the traditional man (yesterday's man) versus the man of today. I address what I think is the definition of  MAN. I'm a hypocrite, folks. I apologize, readers / viewers. I also realize that when I'm reminded of the six things listed above, I ACT LIKE A BITCH.  Not good. I apologize, readers / viewers.

I will say it's hard being a "man" being married with daughters! They don't / won't understand what being a man entails. They could care less , really, what  it does entail. They don't want to understand what it entails. They just want security. They hate risks.

Risks where taken so that securities exist !!! 

Actually, most women are like this.They want a part-time traditional man.

They want someone who will pay all the bills.They want someone who spearheads all the family activities. They want someone who will take their problems and put them on YOUR back (whether you created them or not).They want a bodyguard, daddy, accountant, butler, banker. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm not all of those, so, this puts me in an arena constantly having my "manhood" challenged. The early objective of my video blog was to address this and expect comments. I wanted my own soundboard for other Fathers, Daddies (there is a difference, I learned) and Step-daddies. They come every now and then. I think I need them to come a lil' more, though. I'm getting confused.

As I type this I'm listening to 50 Cent. A song was JUST playing and the chorus went, " Shut up, bitch". I can't be, rather , I don't want to be that kind of guy. He's not that kind of guy. He takes care of his baby mama. To hear / read him tell it..she takes advantage of it every chance she gets. I hate the Battle of the Sexes. it's just some bullshit for people to exploit.

As I get older, though, I will say I DO have a different perspective of females. That's for a different post. Another time, maybe. 

Feel free to comment on this. Tell me I'm wrong. Join my list.


Here's some things for the Men out there. Click the image for more information.

Here's a good one for those who DON'T know Manhood rules:

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