Saturday, December 13, 2014

How Dare You Tell ME What To Do!!

December 3:

So... I was approached with ANOTHER MLM type situation dealing with Travel!
I'm thinking about doing it. If for nothing else, to at least learn some internet marketing.

An old buddy of mine, who I'll call "D", came to me about it...after a week of Cat and Mouse and Phone Tag. We spoke tonight and he had me watch a video. The video had its “how you make money with the system " breakdown...testimonials of people who made know, the usual. Then, I spoke with him a little bit. He pitched how he wanted a team to get this going, stroked my ego a little bit...then came the whammy...a three way (pause) conference call with HIS mentor.

This is where it got interesting. He said the same things that were in the videos and what the goal was. Very convincing. The words that got my ears perking up were, " If you sign up today..."



THAT's the key to marketing a product!

 “Join today!”” Get in on the ground floor!”” You don't want to miss out!”

I definitely couldn't be mad at how he presented it. I KNEW what he was doing. Although, he apologized for delivering this way, I told him not to apologize (in the back of my mind I was learning how to MARKET!!)

As potential customers we get sensitive, even offended, when we are approached this way. 

Not I.

 I knew what he was doing AND learned a valuable lesson in it. The question is, now, will I do it?

I got my own stuff going on in life.I'm tryingt o spend money on gifts...I got bills to pay... I want to get started in January!


This is the Christmas season.This IS a time for people to travel.This IS a time for people to spend money.

As a matter of fact, just yesterday I got an email from John Chow on that very thing:

I'm a BIG follower of him. I watch his videos EVERYDAY to motivate my self to do this.Around (5:45) in the video he starts to talk about preparing now to make money online and NOT at the beginning of the year. What I took from that was STOP setting a date to start something.Do it NOW.

So, when talking to the Mentor, that was the angle he tapped. I should get in this now so that when it gets large, I'll be among those who got in at the beginning of the opportunity.I threw in how I had bills to pay, shopping to do and he still kept that angle going.


Time will tell..I do want to do it but I got some money invested in another project, besides this one. Wanna see? Go here and then go here. Make sure to pick up one for yourself!

I'll keep you posted on what happens with the travel venture. You can bet , though, if/when I do it..YOU WILL KNOW!

My FanDuel

Nothing.I took a week off.I have fantasy football leagues that have money in them.I needed to fine tune a couple of them to make sure I get something from them.

Thank You!!

Thanks for the support.I see my views are increasing and my Facebook ads are working! I finally invested in a small campaign to get the ball rolling. I've been gaining "likes" at the Facebook page . The next plan is to fine tune my audience, so that I can fine tune my ads to be more effective. I'd rather have loyal followers/ readers than just a bunch of "likes". 

I want a community. I want more Inkyatix. I also have a newsletter that's been going out. this, too, has helped. Go to the Facebook page and join. There's a tab that says " Email signup" on the left of the page. click the image and put in your information.

 I'd love to have you in the community!

I plan on getting back to my videos, well as, a live talk with some of you...just because.

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Inky Mann
Emperor, Inkland Empire

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